Saturday, April 30, 2011


It's not unusual to hear that Ancient Greece--despite its great achivements--
suffered, as a society, from a fundamental flaw: it required slaves.

Something similar can be said of the contemporary United States of America (and any other industrialized nation you care to mention):

these societies rely upon unpaid labor to care for the young and the elderly--unpaid labor,
and those who perform it receive no especially high status within the society.....

Yet, they accomplish more than the masters of war who appear on the screens of your propaganda machines, always telling us why we need more wars, more killing,
and more starvation.

More starvation? Well, of course, they don't put it that way. But, the wars they make do, of course, lead to a variety of human suffering, including starvation. And the policies which are dignified with the label "economic" plainly do so...

If you say that war is a crime containing within itself all crimes and all bad things (including starvation) you could say that this is the major contribution of most so-called leaders, but on account of the propaganda by our rulers, the word "war" seems to have lost its sting. It is more surprising to be told that starvation is one of their chief contributions to the world's disorder....

What are the components of human suffering? If you list and catalogue them, you will thereby have done much to characterize the deeds of our rulers....

Friday, April 29, 2011



for me
is no more than a concentration camp

what "communism" (so called) was for Europe
bottling up everything inside
turning up down
and creating a schizophrenia of spirit and dreamlands


what the separation wall is for a Palestinian

I am cut off from life
from hope

What do I have?

thoughts of death
dreams of death
hope only for death

nothing good

Ugly El Paso, Ugly U.S.A.

My mother ,who is almost eighty-five years old, is crying today because she has
no pain relief. Once again, her doctors have been unable to find a pain medicine
without side-effects. Moreover one doctor has warned my mother that the
pain medicine prescribed by another doctor has serious harmful consequences.
(He said that many of his patients have had problems with it.)

In addition, today the nasty blowing wind and dust (which I in memory have always associated with El Paso) have returned. What a horrible place to live!

You say: what about people who were born here and will die here? Of course you deserve
respect, more respect than people get in the USA, but don't lie to yourself. Don't pretend
that El Paso has that mysterious quality called "good weather". And don't pretend that
global warming is not real. Moreover, there's some need to acknowledge the extent
to which local history is a history of invasion by bloodthirsty and ruthless empires.....
It's not good trivializing the truths with cliches like "a mix of cultures"....

Thursday, April 28, 2011


an infinity of ugliness
everyday the same
oh yes the wind stopped
big f.-ing deal
now we've got dust everywhere, fine particles of sand
and the idiot trucks can drive everywhere unhindered

cultural sickness in the USA

If the USA can save itself--and I doubt that it can--the salvation won't come from the cultural elites, the self-appointed arbiters of good taste....

such as those at

I've just seen a beautiful film, "La Grand Voyage", about the journey of a young
French man with his father to Mecca...

And for some reason, the creators of this physical entity, this dvd, felt it necessary
to add an infinitely inferior creation to the dvd ---not a bad five-minute film on its own, but in this context
a nasty piece of the five minute film made reference to the terrorist attack
in New York City...

Put differently, a marvelous film had to be packaged with something which satisfied a certain narrow political outlook--HOW VERY LIKE COMMUNISM! As a friend at the Academy of Science in Slovakia once told me: It was no problem to publish philosophy during communism. The historical classics got published with prefaces telling how Marx was right about everything, and then you could publish the original historical text unedited.

The people at "Filmmovement" have done exactly the same thing with this beautiful film!

More and more, every day, how much USA culture is like communism!!!

That five minute short has nothing to do with the film "La Grand Voyage". Indeed, you could say that the point
of that film is that Islam is not about terrorism...... but even that would be unfair. The film is about an older man and his young son.....and the young son is a child of an immigrant--the older man.....

But the great aesthetes at "filmmovement' either don't see it that way, or they thought
themselves clever in kow-towing to the most ignorant elements of society....

I'd like to insert a quote from Nietzsche at this point. Only a genius of his caliber would be able to adequately express the disgust and recoil which this sort of perversion deserves.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

not a city

eptx is not a city
it is a collection of single-family homes, low to the ground, close to one another,
surrounded by fences, with two or three or more large trucks parked in front,
and a couple of dogs yapping

a city requires a certain minimum of sociality, a minimum of civilization
--such as public transport, and public places--things lacking in eptx....


eptx is a footnote to the military outpost on the frontier of a destructive empire,
a sort of holding station, where the empire ends, and the dominated neigboring regions begin...

....on the outskirts of empire.....

....choking in sand....

worth quoting

The following line from a piece by Jonathan Wolf in the Guardian seemed worth
quoting (given other things said here):

The greatest power is exercised by those who can get their way without even having to ask.

(Link via Leiter Reports)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

el paso wind ycccccch

weather report

tuesday 10pm














el paso weather report

blow wind blow
dust dust dust
yccch yccch yccccch


why life in the USA is alienating, isolating, and ugly

"And, so, " she said to me, "you see what your problem is! You need to get out to more events like this. Arts people are cooler..."

Well, what could I say?

Maybe, "No, you just don't get it. You just don't get the isolation in this country, the way in which people lead their lives as if they had been put into permanent castes for purposes of consumer research...."

I don't want to go to arts events where I meet cool people. I want to live in a real city with public transport and real parks, places where you can go and share the space with other people, strangers, people who have nothing to do with you, people leading different kinds of lives, people who you see in mid-stream on the way to some ordinary or extraordinary meeting or job or expedition, people of different ages and religions. I prefer to live in a neighborhood where I can walk to the grocery score and see Turkish or Albanian women with bright head scarves pushing a a baby buggy with three little kids trailing behind, hearing the tones of a language I don't understand, but knowing that this is simply life. I want to live in a city where the streets are teeming with life, where you stand in a crowd --without fear!--as you wait to step into the street car--where you can see twenty different faces as people get out of the car: a punker, a religious man, a woman with her child, two teenagers ready to do anything crazy they can think of, a man who walks slowly with a cane, anxious people late for an appointment, students on their way to university, maybe even two or three or four beautiful young women as well...all in one place.... not segregated into ghettoes according to age and purchasing preferences...

the supreme loneliness of this country
the merciless isolation
the unspeakable misery


weather report for el paso texas

weather in el paso texas



Monday, April 25, 2011

irritating false friendliness

Hey friend! Now it's time for you to make your yearly visit!

(ok, that's not an exact quote; but, that is, I am sure you get the idea, the gist, the rotten core of the apple...)

Slow down a minute! My father got a postcard from a local business
that inspects cars...

Recall that (as has been pointed out by Erik Olin Wright and Joel Rogers) vehicle inspection
is a kind of TAX....

So, this business which makes a profit from vehicle inspection is addressing my father
in this phoney-friendly way.... is really a kind of TAXMAN, a tribute collector,
a.k.a., a sort of thief....

And that Phoney-Friendly Style (oh so USA!) Makes me want to throw up

They are not my friend or his friend. They just want the money....

And that is very common in this country..... (a deal for you! as a special customer!--you and 500,ooo other "special" customers......)

I know that some Americans take pride in this informality, but I also supect they've never realized that it's got nothing to do with democracy or social justice--as this society is exteremely un-democratic and is a textbook study on a zillion levels of social injustice....

attacks on net neutrality

noted in passing
Znet is undergoing "denial of service attacks"

This would seem to be a form of censorship by corporate oligarchs, aka private tyrannies...

apology/weather report

I apologize to readers for the unsystematic nature of this blog.
Moreover, I am very unhappy to know that some entries do have spelling mistakes/typos,
due to the haste with which I typed/wrote them.

Had I more time, I would revise everything. From time to time, I do.

A complicating factor is the fact that I sometimes choose to write without cap's--when the
mood hits me. (Call me, if you like, an imitator of ee cummings or bell hooks. Call me
unoriginal if you like. In any case, it's not from maliciousness that I've occasionally adopted
this style.)

But I think it's relatively clear when I've chosen to depart from standard punctuation, and
when my typing has been imperfect.

monday afternoon 25 april 2011

it is very unpleasant
dust collects everywhere
all attempts to keep it out only lead to entry by the most fine-grained sand particles

i can't say how many days now it's been blowing like this, maybe three or four,
but when you are inside it is unpleasant...... windows rattle, dust comes in.....

sunshine? big deal


i actually don't want to feel crummy
but that's more about me
what i feel about the things i see going on
well what would that be?
pissed off
disturbed (no, that's too weak)
outraged (yes, that's it)
but how can I be outraged every day? every g.d. day?
every day?
every f.-ing day?
Yes, every day.
Okay, so,
That means there's a lot of bullshit out there.
Yes, a lot,
a very very very large lot of bullshit out there
--every day..........

Sunday, April 24, 2011


What assholes live in El Paso Texas.
Pounding music coming from across the street.
I don't need that--not at any time of the day or night.....


I note in passing that a midwestern university has managed to include one entry from
this blog in their data-crunching about global warming.

I do use the term "data-crunching" in a pejorative (negative) way. Apparently they have set up several classificatory categories--but those categories are remarkably formal.. In measuring my blog by their less than adequate categories, it would see that they failed to notice the noted entry actually contained an argument.... (and that, despite the fact, that several central claims went unargued in that particular entry.....)

The Plan to Destroy Medicare

Destroy Medicare? What does that mean? It means making health care unaffordable for ordinary people once they get older.

Think about it. You work hard all of your life. (In the USA you must work hard, or
you will starve. --No, I do not believe the popular myths about how the poor have
an easy life due to so-called "government hand-outs"....)

You work hard all of your life. Then, when you retire you are older, and you
need more medical care, you can't afford it. What's cruel is that the plan will give you
some money, but it won't be enough. That sort of cruelty is not unusual. (The poor are afforded a similar treatment. They are debased and degraded with such programs as
"Workfare", but then the actual amount they receive is inadequate.--that according
to articles I've read in Social Work journals..(Yes, I know, that' scarcely an adequate reference. Sorry, but I don't have easy access to the source at this point in time... but you might try
to find out whether there is any evidence if it bothers you. Me, I don't have time right now....)

But, now, if this plan goes through... you won't be able to afford it. So, you will die younger than you would otherwise, and, along the way, you will suffer more.

Regular readers of this blog will recall that I have described this guy Ryan in very unflattering terms. Now you have something more substantial by way of criticism (if you follow the link below)....

an irish song

the other day I heard a song
what was it?
"Mollie Malone"?

This was a young lady who died because she didn't have adequate health care--so like the USA.
And she performed the same job as her upward mobility...--So like the USA!

And in her country , while people today speak English, they do so only because the country
was occupied by a cruel like the USA ..
However, the version of English spoken there has traces of that original language (as does
the English of the Southwestern states....)

But there was one big difference: Cockles and Muscles--alive, alive-o

These people actually ate FRESH food! --so unlike the USA...

no no no

nonono no nono no

no sane person

would in his or her right mind

choose to own a "personal" automobile

it is an insane idea

why should i waste money AND MY PRECIOUS GODDAMN TIME on
new tires
vehicle registration

i don't need all that bullshit

let me buy a one month or three month pass
for a metro, or trams, or light rail or whatever you f.-ing want to call it

and then I can read during the trip
or look out the window
and I don't have to worry about traffic lights
or speed limits
or look out for the other drivers

all unnecessary hassles




i don't want to live here

in this city

in this country

no more militarism
no more puritanism.......

ive had enough of big trucks

i wanna live somewhere where I can ride the metro, u-bahn, elektricky, tramways, strassenbahn,
and walk
not under the burning sun

I want to live somewhere with real bread
I want to live somewhere where people know what real bread is

Thursday, April 21, 2011


The other day I overheard some young people talking about a movie which they
found emotionally disturbing.....
(a movie I've not seen)

One said she wouldn't like to see it with her mother.....

And I wondered why?

Could that be a clue to the discomfort I've noted in the movie rating system?
"Mrs. Dalloway" with the warning that it contained something "emotional"?

Mrs. Dalloway portrays a man who has been psychologically damaged by the war.
At what age are you too young to understand the truth about war?

Could it be that some people are afraid to so much as discuss these topics?

I mean: Are they afraid to discuss it with their own children?

the war against ordinary Americans




Now, my commentary:
Notice how this asshole (no other word is possible, unless we say "arrogant asshole")
turns his back on a man who is talking to him..

Secondly, note his condescending language, "Let's not forget.."

That's like saying: I know and you don't, and so I am telling you.....

But what the fellow claims to know isn't even true. Allowing the richer to get richer and richer is not good for most of the world, in the USA, and elsewhere....

It destroys any chance of real democracy, and increases the real misery in many lives......

I would have been inclined to this view anyway, but this brief video is enough to convince me that this is a bad man indeed----more colloquially, an arrogant asshole.....

More generously, he is a spineless servant of the ruling class, and from the knowledge that this class is currently in the ascendancy, he derives his arrogance, and his posturing.....his manner..... in the book, "The Reluctant Fundamentalist", in which a USA citizen abroad is identified on the basis of his "manner"....

ugly el paso

OH, I hate it here!
The ugliness of the buildings.
They are all so LOW.
Next to your neighbor. They see everything you do.
You can almost reach out and touch their house.

And then all the trucks. Noisy. and ugly

Culture? When I think of this place, I think of trucks, big trucks
and the sun----not people..

Are they proud of the enormous trucks? Do they really just ignore the
fact of climate change?

Not to mention the health consequences of always driving...

the smell of grease from the places that sell cooked food...

all ugly....

BUT WHat about PETRZALKA? (see Note below)

What about the way you could look across the road and see hundreds of windows?

Well that didn't bother me. Frankly, it didn't bother me because there were so many.
Oh yes, there was one man, a bald fat man, who seemed to always be on his balcony
No matter where I lived...
That was bad, but not so oppressive as this: low buildings, low ceilings, and no
possibility of escape...

because all of the buildings here are so goddamn UGLY
like the places where I shop: UGLY

tall buildings? yes, those owned by the oppressors, those owned by banks...

in so many ways...

oh so many ways...

simply ugly....

no other word will do...

Petrzalka is a suburb of Bratislava, where the blogger has lived. (He has lived in Bratislava
both in and out of Petrzalka.) When I lived in Petrzalka, people, trying to make a joke
would ask, "Are there any trees there?". It is a suburb which consists largely of high rises.
It is unusual only in that there are so many of them. (Ugly, functional, tall apartment buildings....) (I believe the population numbers around
150,ooo, but don't quote me.) Most people find it ugly and frightening, but when I lived
there my life, overall, was either better or no worse than my current life in the United States. At any rate, I was less socially isolated and there was public transport.....

thirteen months

We can waste trillions on killing people, but care for the elderly,
oh no, that's too expensive.

The man who installed an item for my mother, courtesy of a private for-profit company which gets money from Medicare, informed me that:

If in the next thirteen months, the equipment were no longer necessary.....

What? Excuse me, sir, but my mother is not going to become young again!

If, for any reason, the equipment is no longer needed...

Oh, I see, you mean if my mother dies....

He explained that the equipment was only loaned to Medicare, and if it were no longer needed,
he would return to repossess it (not his word).....
And does that happen, I asked?
Oh, yes, all the time.

Well, in that case, I hope I don't see you again.....

Every time they kill people with their high tech weaponry in, say, Libya, (and the weapons
do not only kill the "bad" guys) costs MILLIONS, but they are afraid to lose just a few dollars for a shitty, poorly made piece of medical equipment.

america the stingy

dobry den PAN LAKOMEC!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I sat in the waiting room of my parents' G. P. ....Fortunately, the television was not working.

However, adequate handicap access does not exist in this part of the world.

Nonetheless, I stared in horror as a relatively young professionally attired man
berated an older, much less healthy man for being late for his appointment.

The older man could scarcely walk and needed a cane. He rose from where he was
sitting with great difficulty.

The younger man looked fit, agile; maybe he wasn't a gymnast who could do cartwheels
across the room, but he undoubtedly would not have the difficulties of the man he
treated so disrespectfully.

And, I looked around the room at all the wheelchairs, canes, and walkers....

If you're going to demand that someone arrive on time, you should provide an
efficient and effective form of transport.....(by which I don't mean the personal

Or doctors might visit the patients in their homes... But what about all the tests the doctors
do? I don't know, but I am sure, if you put your mind to it, you could come up with some
solution. But, right now, and this is my point, that's not even being considered as an option.
Patients, the elderly and the sick are actually the lowest priority...

America's DON-T CARE medical gesture---just a gesture in the direction of those who
can't throwing a coin to the beggar as you go off to your exclusive gentleman's

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


when will this nightmare end?

America, the Culturally Challenged

Recalling my recent disgust at the labeling of movies according to crude categories,
I provide the following link.....

to the American Library Association's compilation of various complaints about books....

via the "On Fiction" site (an excellent blog/magazine about fiction and psychology)...

Monday, April 18, 2011

thou shalt not

thou shalt not commit an act of culture
or take the name culture in vain

in an act of self-defense
understandable tho it would be

but it's not so easy
and shouldln't be tried

you should simply say that
even here
people can lead their lives with a kind of dignity
despite everything
living a life with a sort of dignity
and a life with beauty in it
and sometimes kindness
and tremendous sorrow

but not to say that as an act of defense against
the outside world that doesn't give a damn about your communty
and to recognize that
you cannot beat them at their game of buying selling
because once you try you have lost
the dignity which you wanted to defend
in the first place

tell me

tell me
tell me
tell me

can there still be
beauty in this cruel world?

Not the pre-packaged phoney beauty of "buy our flowers for mother's day"
not the pretense that consists in imported we don't belong here plants
in the middle of a fucking desert

not the pretense of everything you have seen before
to spare you from thinking or feeling

oh no
oh no
not that
says the american
i don't want to feel
above all i don't want to feel
something if i don't know what it is that i am feeling before we start

tell me if it is possible
even here in this cruel desert
is it possible?

of form?
without a pre-planned control for the sake of some commercial
or egotistical
or social hierarchical

No, don't tell me,
I won't believe you.

Show me.
Can you show me?
I don't believe you can.

okay okay

I confess that there are some normal people in El Paso Texas.
dancers are more or less the same around the world.
and I guess the same is true of philsophers
but if the theater at Zrkadlovy Haj in Petrzalka, Bratislava is old and run down
from lack of funds
and if it is even dusty
(as it was four years ago or so when I was there)
that's because the government doesn't care about the arts....

but in El Paso TExas
i f the "XXXXXX" is dirty and dusty,
why is that?
It is supposed to be a private enterprise? (Not that I am a fan of making
everything business...)

And if I am walking or dancing in a dirty, dusty space, I am thinking
"How much like Eastern Europe"

I like the place they call "Eastern Europe"; I have friends there.
But, when people in the USA use the phrase "Eastern Europe" they mean something
a little different than I do, so when I say that the "XXXXXX" reminds me of
Eastern EUrope, that is not such a big insult as people might think.

But on the other hand, it is also true that they might not like to hear the simple
fact that the dirt and dust I see around the XXXXXXX really is what you would
expect to see in a theater/art establishment in Eastern Europe, an establishment
which saw a better day , in the past during what they call "communism"

I won't put in a link to the so-called XXXXX, an artistic/cultural center in EPTX
because I don't want to have problems
Can I say it: you can have nice people in a not so nice place,
but really, if you haven't lived in a place, you just don't know...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

driving is unpleasant

When I hear someone talk about enjoying driving, or some idiot tv commercial suggest as much,
I find this incomprehensible--much as if someone I met for the first time at a party said,
"Oh, in my spare time I like to chew and swallow pieces of glass.....broken bottles and that sort of thing.."

In the first place, just getting into the car is unpleasant.
I've got to bend over and crawl in.

Then the roof almost hits my head and it's too damn close even when I'm sitting there.

Actual vision is very limited.

THe space feels crowded.

Then nothing is every within easy access.
My father's car actually has a superfluous number of buttons and gauges,
undoubtedly an excuse for raising the price....

So, sitting is unpleasant.

Things fall onto the floor or between the seats....

And I won't even begin to discuss the actual activity of driving. Not now.
I am already in a bad mood, and thinking of the drive I have to make today is making it worse.


a dialogue

The naive citizen: Damn it! Coffee prices are up again at Albertson's. Bastards!

The educated citizen: Ah, but you have to understand (Trumpets blare royally to indicate the entry of "Economics") Supply and Demand!
Producers charge what consumers are willing to pay. It's a rational and efficient system.

The naive citizen: Screw your supply demand curves. They distort reality. In the first place, ordinary citizens are not mere consumers. In the second place your supply demand curves distort reality by suggesting a power equality where there is none.

Consumers as a group are not organized and do not possess the power of the producers, a.k.a., the capitalist class, the ruling class, the top 1% of the population, and the ruling class spends billions on propaganda called advertising and "news" to manipulate us.

No, it's not logical or just. And I am fed up.

The educated citizen: You are just unhappy because you are not on top.

Naive citizen: No, I don't want to be on top. I don't want to live in that kind of society.

The educated citizen: Where do you want to live? Communist Russia or Cuba?

Naive citizen: You seem to be suggesting that we can't make changes here...

The educated citizen: Why should we? I am happy... and if you aren't, well, maybe you don't understand economics well enough...

Naive citizen: Hello! It's not about understanding economics. I just told you. What you call "economics" is not some kind of first science. It's got more to do with the attempt to justify an unjust system than it does with discovering natural laws.

EC: You don't believe that people get rich by hard work and effort?

NC: Make me laugh.... ha ha ha ha ha... I see people working hard and just getting by. And the people I see have to pay more and more for less and less... So, no, I don't see that this is a society that rewards effort. Neither is it a society which rewards according to the actual contribution that a person makes. On the contrary, the amount of money you get paid has nothing to do with your actual contribution.

EC: You seem to be imagining a system completely different than what we have...

NC: No, it's not about "economic systems" as you call it. It's about reality, the reality
which your so-called system doesn't see, and is blind to.....the reality which reveals the
fact that your system (so-called) is just a failure.... Instead of calling it a "system", you might as well call it a "fiction"... or a lie, a lie which benefits a small class of people.....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

get me out of here!

A Sick, Sick country....

I am just trying to survive.

I despise air conditioning

It makes me feel cold in my bones.

I don't need a sun tan. I don't want skin cancer.

So, I've got a sweatshirt with a hood, and I've pulled it up to cover the back of my neck.

Otherwise I'd be browning in the sun and freezing inside the ugly air-conditioned box stores.

I mean everyone else is walking around in shorts, t-shirts, and sandals inside the f-ing

freezing grocery store...

Cold is Good.

Ice cold drinks (in winter too).

Freezing cold stores.....

Freezing cold inside your enormous trucks....

I can't wear shorts in this climate because I would freeze as soon as I entered the over-cooled buildings.....

And people look at me,

unfriendly looks....

I can imagine what they are thinking: is he avoiding the security cameras?

Bourgeois naive fear of crime produced by the manipulation of a million

cop shows and movies, millions and millions of hours consumed before

puberty.... (is that a defining property of the modern american?)

Or they smile;

Why is that old guy pretending to be a rapper?

And I say/think to myself:


****expletive deleted*****

I hate this!


Friday, April 15, 2011

scandals at the local high school

I have heard that last year there was a very disturbing discovery at a local high school.
It seems that a teacher was involved in producing child pornography with his students.
I do not know the details, but I have heard this scandal mentioned several times.

What I've heard sounds very bad, but I am disappointed that no one comments upon two other scandalous facts.

First of all the local high school has chosen as a "mascot" a missile--"rockets".

Can a rocket--an instrument for killing people--really be put in the same category as
a cute animal?

Doesn't anyone realize that such killing tools primarily kill women and children--non-combatants? It's a fact about modern warfare that it primarily kills civilians. Why would anyone want to celebrate killing? Do they think: Our football team will wipe out the other team just like missiles kill? Has anyone even thought about it?

Or, more likely, is there internal censorship? People are afraid to point out the obvious. It would be "bad manners" or in "bad taste".

Or, are the educators completely clueless?

The second invisible scandal is the enormous parking lot filled with vehicles driven by students.
Sorry, but high school students don't, in general, need to drive to school. It cannot be that every single one of those vehicles is driven by a student who lives far away and who could not possibly take a school bus. I don't believe it.
Apparently, the teachers and administrators at this school are ignorant.
They do not know that climate change is real and that it is caused by human activity.

These two invisible scandals typify the low level of actual culture in the United States.

why I do not enjoy living in the USA

The short answer is: it's simply a horrible place to live

(Even if you have a relatively comfortable life, the lack of solidarity would drive me up a wall....that's one reason why I actually despise so-called 'university towns'....)

Regular readers of this blog will, I hope, understand the acronym GMOOH It's really the way I feel--really for a zillion reasons. I am very unhappy here, in this city, in this country. I don't wish to be part of the militarism, or the puritanism, or other things equally ugly. I am much taken by Robert Paul Wolff's recent mention of the "inner exile" of dissidents in sounds very appealing. However, I will point out one way in which I find social/cultural/personal life here in the USA infinitely inferior to that of Central Europe. If I go to a social event (in my case a dance class, but it could be anything) in Vienna or Bratislava, I will meet (by chance) people in the tram or train on the way there. and on the way home, it was quite usual for me to share a bus or tram or train with someone. This made possible many short, but pleasant conversations. There is no such pleasure in the United States of America. Everybody comes in their own individual climate-destroying monstrosity, and everybody goes home in the same monster. Alienation. Isolation. Two words that VERY MUCH fit my unhappy experience of the country which has more destructive than creative power....

Thursday, April 14, 2011


strange though it may seem
since returning to the usa
i am afraid to say what i think

and i have had unpleasant experiences when i did so

of course i try to say what i think in this blog
but that doesnt really count

its not like
face-to-face contact

and the process of self-censorship is pernicious

so i really dont get people who talk about free speech in the usa
they must enjoy some kind of security that i have never ever in my entire life known

American Idiots

Gramsci makes the interesting claim that if you at least reach a high level of education in your mother tongue, you can gain access to different cultures via translations.

But what happens to someone who doesn't even read translations? Or, someone who gets exposed to them and actually goes about categorizing them according to the most crude possible categories, categories which reinforce one's own provinciality and cultural imperialist attitudes?

I have in mind the idiots responsible for warning us about the movie adaptation of Virginia Woolf's "Mrs. Dalloway".
I've just received the DVD in the mail with the following warning:


Emotional elements?????
What kind of sick mind is this???????

From Arlie Hochschild to Kate Fox to Dacher Keltner, there are signs and hints that all is not well, emotionally speaking, among the culture of English speakers......

I have no idea what this warning actually means. I should be afraid that I might experience an unpleasant emotion? Do they put the same warning on horror films?

I suppose they'd put a warning label on the book itself if they could....

This is a sick culture. GMOOH asap

"brief nudity'
?? I think I should get my money back. I was expecting that the entire movie was done in the nude...

"emotional elements"?
This film depicts the mental damage resulting from warfare..... Hmmmmm, maybe that's something we don't want people to know about? Oh, no, it's just children we are protecting?
Yes, and how many children whose parents were in war, actual war, were not protected from the real thing?--never mind the fictional depiction of reality....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wierzbicka: English; Meaning and Culture


Anna Wierzbicka, English; Meaning and Culture
Oxford University Press, 2006

Chapter Three "The Story of RIGHT and WRONG and Its Cultural Implications"

(revised but still incomplete)

caveat: I probably won't be able to go into detail today and supply full references.
I hope to return to this entry.

Wierzbicka wants to criticize English-language philosophers for an English-language bias.
The odd thing is that one source of evidence for an English language bias is a quotation from the Oxford Companion to Philosophy
saying that there's a debate about the relative importance of the good as opposed to the right.

Part of this opposition can be framed as the difference between the perspective of Plato and Aristole (who would have thought in terms of happiness and doing what is good) and Kant (who would have thought primarily in terms of what is right).

That's the way English-speaking philosophers think about it. When I used to teach ethics (whether as a separate course or as part of an Introduction to PHilosophy course) I used to assign readings from Kant and Mill because Kant emphasizes what's right (and thinks happiness is not part of morality) and Mill emphasizes happiness. (I might have assigned students to read Aristotle or Plato; but in any case, I would have been teaching a difference in two approaches to ethics.)

Now, happiness isn't exactly the same thing as "doing the good" thing, but this is the sort of contrast the Oxford writer is getting at.

So, the odd thing is that Kant wrote in German, Plato and Aristotle in (ancient) Greek, so the source is not at all originally in English.

Put differently: the traditional view is that the strongest defender of the "right" as opposed to the "good" is actually a philosopher who wrote in German. Wierzbicka thinks, however, that "right" is uniquely prominent in English.

Doesn't it matter whether we think about the theories behind the words and not just the words?

I am actually intrigued by her suggestion that talk of good and bad is more basic than talk of right and wrong. However, that is another topic.

Later in the chapter she discusses the ethics of the Christian Gospels. Interestingly, she claims that it is not an ethics of "right and wrong". Rather, it is about doing the good thing--because that's what God wants.

This is interesting, first of all, because Kant is often said to represent the articulation of a Christian ethic. Secondly, when you actually read what Wierzbicka thinks the ethics of the Christian Gospels is it turns out to be a version of "divine command" theory. (Roughly, moral truths are the expressions of the will of God--His commands.)

That theory is widely thought to fall to an objection first noted by Plato in the "Euthyphro".
I should do X because God said so. He wants me to. Of course, that means, God thinks it will be good, and make me happy.

The problem is: why does God want that? According to Wierzbicka, Gospel Ethics says "end of story"; it's not a matter for reason.

Perhaps Wierzbicka finds that adequate. However, presumably God doesn't just label things right and wrong for no reason. And, it is, to say the least, incurious not to wonder about his reasons. If your only reason for doing something is "God told me to do it", it looks as though you don't really know what you are doing. Now, Wierzbicka could say: God told me to do it because it is good. But, that still doesn't answer the question: What makes this (and not that) good?

If we shut down the attempt to find reasons, the what we are actually doing is making discussions about how to live a region of obscurity.

[aside: Wierzbicka actually has more to say about what she thinks Anglo ethics is (where "Anglo" is her terminus technicus for the view embedded or implied somehow in the English language). She does have something interesting to say about "procedural" ethics. She clams that an ethic emphasizing "right" tends to be procedural, and she presents some more or less sociological evidence. I won't discuss that part of her thought except to say it is reminiscent of a variety of trends within analytical (or so-called English-language) philosophy, such as an interest in "moral particularism", and a reading of Aristotle which makes intuition key to doing the right thing, as well as a feminist critique of Kantian ethics more or less on the grounds that it is (what Wierzbicka terms) procedural.]

Arguably, that is, in fact, what philosophers have achieved by their talk of "normativity". They've introduced an essential obscurity into their theorizing. Wouldn't it be funny if Wierzbicka were right that something about English gives a kick to "right", and I am correct in what I've just said. In other words, English-bias toward "right" produces an obscure ethic precisely of the sort Wierzbicka finds in the Christian Gospels.

I cannot resist quoting Terry Penner here, a Plato scholar who thinks we should not use "right" and "wrong" (as opposed say to "good" and "bad") in translating Plato:

In ethics, all means and ends are judged against the human good of maximum available real happiness. All questions here are purely questions of fact--however deeply hidden the answers... For Socratic ethics, too, then, there are no further non-factual, non-natural, evaluative, normative, moral, or conventional elements, no further Kantian principles, and no further "intrinsic goods". It is, I think, the one morality-free theory of objective good available to us that contains no elements of conventions of the sort that Socrates or Plato would have regarded as unacceptable. ... it may be virtually alone among non-conventionalist theories compatible with the Descent of Man from the higher primates....
pp. 290-291, "Socratic Ethics and the Socratic Psychology of Action", in Donald R. Morrison, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Socrates, Cambridge UP. 2011

remembering Slovakia

partially revised/corrected 14 April 2011

I've just returned from a visit to my mother and father's GP.
I took some pictures and I hope to post them later.
But the visit put me in mind of the following facts:
When I lived in Slovakia, my GP's office was within easy walking distance of my apartment.
There were no vending machines in the lobby of his building--not that I remember.
But on the ground floor, there was a pharmacy. And the pharmacy did not sell
cigarettes, toilet paper, milk, beer, wine, telephones or any of the other numerous
things that Walgreens, e.g., sells..... It was strictly a pharmacy.
And there was no television (let alone a television permanently on, and tuned to one channel, as per orders of Herr Director) in the lobby or waiting area of my GP's building...

Oh yeah, is that freedom?
By the way, I don't know what channel Herr Director prefers, but the last time I was there
I think (if my memory serves me correctly) the TV was tuned to Fox News. I myself do not regard "Fox" as a reliable source of information. Does Herr Director think he has the right to choose for other people?
Why? Because they come for his medical services, does he think he also knows about politics?
Actually, if "Fox" is the channel he choose, that is some evidence that he is under-informed.
Consider that one informed commentator refers to the channel as "Faux" News ("Faux" is French for "False"). Even the economist Jeffrey Sachs recently spoke of the propaganda on Fox. And, it has been documented that during the recent (and unfinished) attack on workers' rights in Wisconsin Fox actually presented incorrect polling data, data which was erroneously presented with the result that the polls in question wound up expressing the very opposite opinion to that which people actually held. Herr Director should have to justify his choice of channel in public.
However, he behaves like a dictator when he choose a channel for the patients coming to his office.
No matter how good a doctor someone is, that does not necessarily transfer to other areas.....
And,in any case, what happened to the option of turning the TV OFF?

Herr Director has also pre-empted that option.....wholly incorrectly and without explanation.
The note above gives no reason. It merely says (in effect): This is my will.
Somewhat reminiscent of Hitler in a film I saw recently.....


Media Matters on Fox's REversal of Polling Data to give the false impression that most Americans do not favor collective bargaining;

And here's what Jeffrey Sachs said on a recent "Democracy Now" (in an interview headlined "Don't Punish the Poor")

JEFFREY SACHS: Well, first of all, Fox News is pure propaganda. We know that. But it’s just relentless propaganda, and people respond to it. To my mind, the Tea Party is nothing but a Fox News Channel propagandistic creation. This is Roger Ailes at work. So that’s one part of it. But it gets a lot of—lot of press.

Same thing with the Wall Street Journal editorial page. That’s our leading business press, but it’s so relentlessly phony and right wing on the editorial page that you never hear anything about the middle. It’s only about tax cuts. It’s all this drum beat to cut taxes, cut taxes, cut taxes.