Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I sat in the waiting room of my parents' G. P. ....Fortunately, the television was not working.

However, adequate handicap access does not exist in this part of the world.

Nonetheless, I stared in horror as a relatively young professionally attired man
berated an older, much less healthy man for being late for his appointment.

The older man could scarcely walk and needed a cane. He rose from where he was
sitting with great difficulty.

The younger man looked fit, agile; maybe he wasn't a gymnast who could do cartwheels
across the room, but he undoubtedly would not have the difficulties of the man he
treated so disrespectfully.

And, I looked around the room at all the wheelchairs, canes, and walkers....

If you're going to demand that someone arrive on time, you should provide an
efficient and effective form of transport.....(by which I don't mean the personal

Or doctors might visit the patients in their homes... But what about all the tests the doctors
do? I don't know, but I am sure, if you put your mind to it, you could come up with some
solution. But, right now, and this is my point, that's not even being considered as an option.
Patients, the elderly and the sick are actually the lowest priority...

America's DON-T CARE medical gesture---just a gesture in the direction of those who
can't throwing a coin to the beggar as you go off to your exclusive gentleman's

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