Saturday, April 9, 2011

bored policemen

They sit in their patrol car,
parked in the parking lot of an abandoned shopping center.

They are bored,

but in their minds they are heroes.

And when the call comes,

they speed away,

and swoop down on the man on foot.

They train their spotlight on him,


and command him to stop.

They demand proof of identity,

checking just in case

they find anything interesting,

asking questions.

No crime has been committed.

They return to boredom.


In Slovakia I once read that policemen who had an abover average IQ were automatically

made detectives. It was believed that someone with a higher IQ might not be so

good about following orders, and might actually show imagination and creativity, as opposed to religiously obey orders. If my memory serves me well, the level of IQ considered appropriate for an ordinary policeman meant that his/her IQ was lower than at least half of the population.....Of course, things are different in the USA.

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