Monday, May 9, 2011

Walgreens is Bullshit: Part two

(The below article is about the experience of waiting in line to pick up prescription medicines for my parents. )

Today I am going to write about my recent (and recurrent) experience/s at Walgreens and I am going to write as simply and clearly as I can. Since, I don't have time right now to go through a process of many revisions, this piece of writing may yet not be very organized, and I apologize for that.

First of all, there is this game: did the insurance company approve it? OR, will they?
I see other people going through this bullshit.

Sorry, I don't believe in insurance companies. I believe in so-called single payer or, if you like, socialized everything. Why "social"? Because you and I, my fellow citizen are society---not the BAnk of America or welllsss Fargo or even Bill GAtes. They are not America. You and I are---and it is you and I who are under-represented and abused by the current economic and political set-up.

I apologize for anyone looking for complaints about a failure by Walgreens to follow the laws. Alas, most laws are designed to serve the needs of the ruling class.....

Doctors know what their patients need! Why is there a need for someone to check up on them? Why is there so much as a need for private insurance companies? There is no need, and the current situation is every day in every way evidence of their uselessness....

Why must I always wait in line at Walgreens? this is demoralizing. Oh, yes, if I come at 2pm, perhaps, when everyone is at work, then there is no line. Well, what about working people who cannot come at 2pm? They have to wait in a line, for twenty or more minutes! I know. I've done it.

What good is that? For one thing, it makes me nervous and less likely to ask important questions about medicines. I can make a mistake and need to return to walgreens.....

But I am afraid that I am running out of steam. Most of all what I don't understand is why any working person would defend the health insurance companies. They are little more than parasites. After all, they serve the interests of Wall Street and the rich, the same group of people who profit from wars of aggression.....

Science is the product of many minds. It is a great cultural artifact. It is too important and valuable to be anyone's property. That is one thing I mean when I talk about Socialism. Science is too big a thing to be anyone's property, but the insane system called capitalism tries to turn scientific creativity (and every form of creativity) into a thing to be bought and sold. Science (and art) is too big to be a piece of property and it should belong to all of us--to society--not to wealthy individuals, not to the capitalist class, not to the elite which thrives on unearned privilege.

And insofar as Capitalism and the Capitalist class are successful in this attempt the rest of us are degraded. We are put in the position of beggars, waiting in line in Walgreens, and hoping that the Great God which is the Insurance company will allow us to have the medicines we need to be healthy. Walgreens is a place where daily many people are humiliated and intimidated and disrespected by the Capitalist machine.

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