Sunday, May 15, 2011

please spare me your solicitude--phoney and superficial....


I am a middle-aged man living at home with his parents.
I have no job, no health insurance, and no friends.
I have moved from a country where I was relatively comfortable to a country which I like not one bit. I have moved from quite decent food and friends to no friends and crap food.

Moreover, in all probability, I shall suffer in the future as a result of what I have done. (At a minimum, my earnings will be lower.)

I am trying to help my elderly parents because they are old, weak, and ill--and there is no one else to help them. The fact that they need me is testimony of the inadequacy of social planning in the USA. It's no surprise that they need help. And, I could be much more productive if I did not live with them, and help them. So, in a very real sense, the situation really represents an inefficiency in the existing system of social organization---otherwise put, it is an injustice to both my parents and to me; hence nothing to thank god for, or to ponitificate about.

In the light of all this, it is no source of comfort to hear such trite remarks as:

"Well your parents took care of you when you were young...."

NO, sorry that's a bad comparison and is not relevant.

In the first place, I am unable to do any serious academic or literary work while living with my parents. IN the second place, I could not hold a normal job and do what i am doing.

Furthermore, my parents brought me into the world. I didn't ask to be born. And their act of creation carries certain responsibilities that being created does not carry. And when they were raising me, both of them had health insurance. They did not damage themselves as I am now damaging myself when they took care of me as a child. Moreover my father not only had a job, but he also had a job which he thought was interesting--while I have no job, let alone an interesting one.

And neither of them moved from one country to another in order to take care of me.

Idiotic remark number two: "God will reward you..."
In short, there is no god or gods, and, in any case, all the evidence is that my life will be getting worse as a result of what I have done--and my life has been unpleasant simply because I am living in a rathole in the desert where the food is crap and there is no public transport.
At an even more basic level, the stress and anxiety I must endure every day will, in fact, actually probably shorten my life!

Or: (Idiotic Remark Number Three)
"You are a blessing [to your parents]"
"This bullshit I heard most recently from a former nurse now proudly calling herself an owner-manager (or some other bullshit title) when she was trying to convince me and my mother that she (Her health service organization) should be our chosen help entity. She was, in addition, extremely condescending and insulting to my mother--who she actually didn't even listen to. Needless to say, we won't be contacting her...

Please spare me all such superficial, insincere, and sanctimonious crap! This sort of thing comes from people who have never been in my shoes, most recently from one of the profiteers who preys upon the elderly (or their medicare).....

I am making up for the crap form of social organization, the shit don-t care health system of a cruel imperial power... And it's not holy or pretty. I'm no saint, and there's no reason to mystify the ugly facts. I do it because no one else will, and I am not happy about this situation. So, please, don't try to make its sound holy and mystical. It's not. It's not pure virtue or any such crap. I deny that I am "virtuous" as that word is standardly understood. I have my reasons, but let's not make bullshit or mystery or religion out of them. They are most defnitely not pure and altruistic. The people who say these things know nothing about my life and are arrogant and insulting when they spout off like this.... I'd like to use a cattle prod on them....

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