Tuesday, May 10, 2011

crap apples

I've given up eating tomatoes. I mean I have tried. But the gap between my memory of tomatoes in Europe and the taste of the crap available locally is too great. I am always disappointed.
Even when I purchase the more expensive so called "Euro" tomatoes--I mean it's really pathetic: is there anything a company won't say? Is there any garbage the american shopper won't swallow? Is there any attempt to control their lose uses of language?

I've given up eating tomatoes because they are so tasteless. That tastelessness is offensive.

And now I'm beginning to think the same thing about apples.

As my mother (who is eighty-something) recently said (and now I paraphrase):
We used to get apples seasonally, but boy were they good. Now we have them year round, but they are always mediocre....

What a miserable city (EPTX) in a miserable country (the USA)!
At this rate, pretty soon I'll give up eating entirely!

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