Sunday, May 15, 2011

America Doesn't Care

When I used to work in an American-run high school overseas, I used to despise the way in which my co-workers eagerly followed orders. characteristically, the orders were made by relatively unsophisticated people with no especial creative talents, but they were designed from the outset to limit the possibilities for thought.

So, too whenever I encounter someone associated in any way with the health industry, they are able to show real emotion within a very limited framework--and precisely that aspect of the situation makes the emotion false.

It is all top-down. Emotion emerges like a caged insect struggling to escape from the glass you've placed over it, one little leg struggling to force its way under the edge of the glass despite the pressure exerted from above.

And pressure is always exerted from above in the USA-don't-care system---pressure in the form of wages and payments.....

a cruel empire, a heartless empire which masquerades as something it is not....

And all health care workers share in the system. They are part of it, whether they will or not. In such a situation, only an enormous yearning for honesty will give them any chance of retaining some shred of dignity. And that means most lost their dignity and self-respect ages ago...

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