Saturday, June 9, 2012

visiting Nurse Supervisors

The trouble is that a Nurse/supervisor shows up once a month or every three months....

They can say whatever garbage they like,  and then they leave.  In the meantime the garbage is floating around in my head.

This is not acceptable.  I am pasting below a draft of a letter I'll be sending to one such person..

Letter to Nurse/Supervisor:

We need to establish some ground rules for future conversations. You have got to stop talking nonsense.
I have already pointed out to you that I am not your employee. Therefore, in the future you will never give me an order or employ the imperative voice. You may, of course, politely recommend with such formulations as "please consider this." And if you make a recommendation, please be prepared to explain why you are making the recommendation.
On the subject of "nonsense":  memory, you said, is like a river. That claim fails to square with the fact that my father's short- term memory loss occurred after a blow to the head and a loss of consciousness.  You may perhaps say: You see the blow only damaged the shallow streams. But that makes no sense at all. The organization of the brain is not like a river, or if it is, you have not yet explained why.
Neurons and neural structures have different features than rivers. Perhaps some functions are localized.  But this river fairy tale doesnt wash and you insult me by telling it. I dont need you to tell me a fairy tale about memory. If I want to learn more about memory, there are books by experts.
What is more, you seemed to be answering a question no one asked. We told you that my father cannot remember to use his walker. Your answer is -- when you get rid of the river picture-- nothing more than saying that some things are easier to forget because they are newer. But that suggestion is inconsistent with the fact that my father has learned to put the oxygen tubes in his nose and he doesn't forget that!  But if those are streams of a river, they are very new, and very shallow! So, your river theory does not work.

Furthermore, you commanded me to stay, so I was a captive audience listening to nonsense. You wasted my time with nonsense of no scientific value. If there is some basis to your story, it is in no way evident from what you said. 

So in addition to your inappropriate stance, and giving me pointless commands, time- and money- wasting orders, you waste my time talking nonsense.

All in all, I do not believe that re- certification either needed my presence, or if it did, it would have been better done without ordering me and without superfluous pseudo- explanations.  After all, people can forget things that correspond to your deep streams---like their name or who their wife is or the names of objects.

What is more, you did not treat my mother with the respect she deserved.  My mother was a care-giver before you were born.  And, she was a care-give before the term was coined. She deserves more respect.

In the future, I will expect you to be more polite both with my mother and myself. It is evident that you have misunderstood my concern to have the best care possible for my parents. You misinterpret my kindness and openness as weakness; but, now you have gone too far.  

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