Tuesday, April 24, 2012

obsolete technology

Here's the kind of misery the personal automobile creates:
If I wanted to use the university library, located on the other side of town,
I could not take public transport there---unless I were willing to use three different
buses, with inevitable gaps in-between transfers, and making a trip in, say 90 minutes....
(El Paso has CRAP public transport, and they have the sheer hubris to call it (wrongly, falsely) a "metro"--excuse me while I puke...)

So, I drive a car for 30 minutes, and then have to deal with parking.  That means I either pay for parking or arrange my visit to the library when there are few/no students on campus....And, then, when I've finally managed to park the car,  one must trek across the sterile campus in the blazing hot (and unhealthy heat of the) sun...for another twenty minutes before one arrives at the library.

Allowing ten minutes for the parking task, that means a person wastes an hour traveling to the library---and, of course, another hour traveling home.

It doesn't have to be that way.  With a real metro, there would be a ten or fifteen minute trip to the center/transfer point, and then a quick train to the university.  I bet it would take 25 minutes at most.
25 minutes versus 60 minutes.  Really, there's no question about what is best.  (And I haven't even said a word about anthropogenic climate change.)

The personal automobile is obsolete technology.
Let's get rid of it.

(But in the meantime, even better to get out of here, asap.....)

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