Wednesday, July 25, 2012

quick and dirty comparative sociology

I've been thinking about how educated citizens of the USA talk about sex....well, actually sexual harassment...
And I wonder whether they assume the USA background of extreme inequality,
without quite realizing it.
Why do I say that?
Both Slovakia and the Czech Republic have less economic inequality than the USA.
And, it seems to me that the different attitudes about men and women there are not
merely due to "backwardness" or a lack of development.
So, when people in the USA talk about relationships between the sexes, they are not merely talking about relationships between men and women---but those relationships in the context of extreme economic inequality, a history of racism and imperialism, and other factors.

That might explain why (in my opinion) the views they hold in the USA only partially generalize elsewhere...

(I could be wrong.)

A different example:  In the past two years, I have had several casual conversations with residents of the USA who seem to associate public transport with USA-style cities, where, e.g., there is fear of crime.  So, public transport is associated with the evils of cities, as imagined by citizens of the USA.

I do think that, to a great extent, thoughts about cities as had by people in the USA are themselves restricted thoughts composed out of the evils of USA cities, not constructed using any universal concept of what a city must be.........

All very speculative......

A book I would like to read, but have thus far not read:

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