Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why I Hate Driving

The automobile is a tool of oppression. It guarantees that a large proportion of the working person's salary goes to large corporations, private tyrannies.

In addition, it creates a mindset.

In addition, automobiles and pets contribute to global warming, which is catastrophic.

But, apart from all that, driving is itself unpleasant.

First of all, as I leave the neighborhood, I have to enter a busy street, full of speeding trucks, large trucks, coming at me from both directions. At night their bright lights are unpleasant to see.

And then, there is the ugliness of the landscape, the monotony and sameness.
Every building is ugly and they all look the same.
Except for a few banks and hospitals down toward the border, at the so-called center
or downtown.

The roads are long and straight and all of the buildings on either side look boring and monotonous.

There are plenty of signs, commercial, or even a few trees or bushes that increase
the danger of entering a street from a shopping area.

When you want to go someplace, you have to turn off the long street, but where?
since everything looks the same, you have to find a landmark. Say the orange
sign for a restaurant.

An orange sign--an ugly object.

But since there is so little variety, so much monotony, you have a constant problem: drivers who can't find the place they want to turn.

And, then there are the mini traffic jams caused by people turning left at a light.

Is this pleasant? No, not at all.

why in the world can't people see that this is not heaven. This is hell.

Why waste your valuable and finite time in such a stupid manner?

Get me out of here. Please. Now.

PART TWO; should be: Where do I want to go?

I can't do a proper Part Two now, but here's something off the top of my head:

I love public transport--not the crappy buses that El Paso has, but real public transport,
e.g. a tram every five minutes, or a fast subway every ten minutes....

With public transport, good public transport, I can read or listen to music.
I don't have to worry about driving. I am not competing with my fellow passengers as I do with other drivers. Other passengers are not a potential threat as are other drivers in their enormous trucks.

With public transport I don't have to worry about buying gas or changing the oil.
I don't need to buy extra things. I don't need a garage or a garage door or an electric
garage door opener.

With public transport I can relax when I travel. I can people watch. All without worrying about a crash.

Get me out of here.... to a place with good public transport!

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