Tuesday, February 15, 2011

not again

What? Was it a replay of my unpleasant experience with "Jitterbug"?

Albertsons, the store without fresh bread, without real bread, and without much by way of fresh food, let alone fruits and vegs.....

On my way out, the young lady insisted I play "Monopoly". No thank you,. Really
I play enough games without that...

She insisted. "You could win a million dollars."

h aa ha ha ha

Sorry, why are you wasting my time like this? The chances of my winning are about equal to the chance I'll be hit by a meteor when I go outside... etc.
I'm not about to buy meteor insurance, or waste my time with this idiotic game.

What a waste of paper! and time!

Did her boss put her up to this?

Was she trying to be nice?

Really, It wasn't a conversation I wanted to have.

Did the education system in the State of Texas fail her to such an extent that she could not understand me?

If other employees bother me in this way, I shall suppose it is a company policy. If not,
I'll accept another explanation.

I don't need this, really.....

Anyway, these games are an insulting joke. But that's the sort of nonsense I expect (but do not enjoy ( in this country.

Footnote: American Ideology/american illness

On reflection this conversation shows the ability of a private tyranny like Albertson's to infect the minds of ordinary citizens who do not benefit from the unegalitarian economic and political system of the USA.

If I had a million dollars, would that make me happy?

NO! First of all, I would still live in a country with enormous injustice and inequality. I wouldn't like to be eating caviar while other people are suffering. But it is, oh so USA style, to have no solidarity. And, that's what unthinkingly the woman at Albertson's was indicating--no thought about the others, no thought about our essentially social natures, but instead
a primitive and false sort of individualism. (I've got mine; the hell with the other guy/gal!)

But, furthermore, we know that money alone is not enough to make you happy. If you are foolish, then having money with lead you to do stupid things you wouldn't otherwise do.
What you need is wisdom. (Thus, Socrates, e.g., in the "Euthydemus".....)

Again, what we have here is an arrogantly and aggressively stupid and superficial culture. Play monopoly? No thank you Albertsons, you can stuff it where the sun doesn't shine.

File this under: USA-style ideology and brain-washing.

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