Sunday, March 25, 2012


In my more sane, reflective, and sober moments, what I really think is that the way people live in this country is, quite simply, insane.

Consider, for example, the excessive attention one must spend in caring for one's home.  Painting, cleaning, sprucing up, competing with the neighbor, buying garden gnomes.  All of that sounds like WORK---the expenditure of effort with no benefit (except for the capitalist).

But people have been so brain-washed as to believe that all that crap is "beautiful", as in "my beautiful home".

You want beauty?  Read a book---poetry or a novel.  Go to the theater....(Oh, sorry.  I forgot how inaccessible that is for most people in this country.......people like me.....)  No, I actually don't think these neatly arranged plotches or grass or rocks in front of little houses is somehow "beautiful", more like horrifying (at least David Lynch got one thing right)....Not beautiful at all, but frighteningly sterile, even anal retentive and Puritan, not luxurious in sensuality, but disciplined and ordered like the fantasies of a military mind......

I am sorry.  I cannot analyze this disease further.  I need to go away somewhere before I empty the contents of my stomach.

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