Thursday, March 29, 2012

Imperial Hubris at the Individual level

The man in the market place hides a knife in his cloak. "Ah," he says, "I have power.  With this knife
I can kill anyone I like,"

Plato wasn't much impressed by that style of thinking. Nor should we be. But we are, much to the sorrow of many.

I have no doubt that the police who recently murdered an older black man and the vigilante who murdered a young black man both had fantasies of power.  "Illusions" would be a better word.

Because this is a society full of such fantasies:  total domination of the world, protection of one's family from imagined intruders, and macho fantasies of proving one's manhood.

Police have the weapons of soldiers and they want to use them.  Soldiers learn to torture and kill wantonly in Iraq or Afghanistan, and then return to the USA, eager to use what they've learned---and many become policemen.

Among the police or soldiers in Afghanistan or Iraq, often the policy is:  shoot first, ask questions later.

Needless murders which bring no good results. Murderers and accomplices who engage in cover ups, lies, compounding the disease.

What kind of country is this?  Not a civilized one.


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