Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Something is rotten in.....

Something is rotten in the Czech Republic, or...
Or, maybe the USA.

I've been back from the States for more than a month, and I've sent home letters at regular intervals.  Thus far, not one has arrived.

Now, I know that around the holiday time letters slowed down, and it might have taken a month for a letter to get from CR to USA, but it is no longer holiday time.

Has someone stolen my letters?  Maybe they are reading the poetry I have written for my mother.
Are they foolish enough to be looking for money?  Or are the thought police collecting my private mail for use in a future trial?

Maybe I should start posting my poems here, beginning a new series of "Poems for My Mother"....

Incidentally, I would like to, once again, complain that the Internet and Computers in general are offering less and less freedom.  Everything has had its acceptable format determined in advance.

We have to squeeze our words into small boxes, amidst a cacophony of ugliness.  And this is progress?  Freedom?  Just as much as every conversation seems to have been written in advance..... Every conversation scripted in advance (you call it "polite") and we speak through a thick bullet-and-sound-proof glass--if we're lucky---OR, you speak to someone through electronic means, and they are situated at the opposite end of the globe, where they must follow the script or else..........

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