Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Dog's Breakfast which is In Home Care for the Elderly

In what sense are these people professionals?

Possibly in the context of a FOR PROFIT medical system, "professional" should be a dirty word.

in my experience, genuine human warmth and sympathy (on the whole) diminishes with years of education, elevated pay, and titles....

They guy who gives my guy a shower has more real warmth and sympathy, and is more human than ANY doctor or nurse I have met.

And another feature of this in-home care is the CHAOTIC nature of the visits.

A nurse suddenly phones up one day (and may or may not identify herself) asking for my mother....

AND THEN UNSCHEDULED she shows up and disrupts my life, forces me to engage in a heart-rending discussion about the very real health needs of my parents--EXPLAINING FOR THE N-TH TIME, AGAIN TO A STRANGER who knows nothing....

starting from zero again with an uninvited stranger who calls at a time and a day convenient for her!!!!!

that's rude.

And we are supposed to say what? Thank you?

ON THE CONTRARY, we deserve better, much better.

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