Wednesday, September 28, 2011

a bad situation: The Miserable Situation of In Home Care for the Elderly in the USA

I have now given up my life for more than two years in order to help my parents.
I used to have a job. I used to have friends. And, I even had health insurance.
I used to live in a civilized city where it was possible to rely upon a convenient
and efficient public transport system. My monthly ticket for public transport was about the same as what I currently pay for gas for one week. (Actually it would be more expensive if I were driving to work every day.)[corrected 20 Feb. 2012]

I used to live in a civilized country. Today I do not.

Moreover, I am subjected to the tender mercy of what passes for a "health care system" in the country which spends more on weapons than anybody else, the country which has pioneered the use of nuclear weapons to kill civilians.

Even worse, I must listen to professional "care givers" who come into my home, and intrude upon my privacy, tell me that if I misbehave they will have to report it, make various vacuous comments and generally waste my time.

I am caring for my mother and father--the only mother and father I have. I have sacrificed more than you can imagine and more than these officious nurses or any doctor can imagine, and it is really a case of adding insult to injury when I have to listen to threats.

I shouldn't have to do this. There should be a public system of care for the elderly just as there is a public system of care for children. But, whoops! I forgot where and when this is.

Today the public education system is under attack in the USA.

Every day, in every way, things are getting worse and worse and worse.

There is a real class war, a real revolution--and it is not a socialist revolution, it is a purely
capitalist revolution----by the capitalist class. and the target is ordinary working people.
Everything useful to them, everything that they rely upon (such as Social Security, Medicare, and Public Education) is under attack.

A bad situation, and it is getting worse.......

Post-script from an email to a friend in which I try to explain the situation...

The system I"m up against here is bad, degrading, and insulting. --I mean the so-called system of 'in home'
care. I am getting sick of the sheer number of people who have come trooping through this house...
And I always try to talk to the nurses. I try to speak to them as an equal.....but...
But it's like students who don't come to class or don't study. They listen with one ear, and they have their
own agenda.

And what makes me most angry is that their agenda includes their institutional role which includes overseeing me.
And they hold on to that. No matter what I say. It is exactly like the boss who doesn't care if I have a superior
education or if they cannot do the job I do, they still hold on to that idea of their superiority.

My god! they actually are nurses! They had an education I didn't have, but it is rare enough that it actually translates into any help. The best thing they can do is change a bandage--but that happens rarely enough, and often it's just a lot of hot air.....( so much for their superior medical knowledge; when there's a real problem, they are not here anyway....)---what a pathetic joke. It's really an insult more than anything else....


Here is a woman (who I never met before)----and she is the third one in as many months----
who comes into my home to check everything out (and that includes checking me out to see
and, by the way, I am telling her the same story I have already told the other two in the past two months an the other N in the past two years.....I am getting sick and tired of telling the same story to a stranger who is "professionally" (excuse me while I puke) caring.....

Something is wrong with that picture....

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