Friday, March 11, 2011

conversation overheard

concerned citizen 1: I am so worried about our government budget. What should we cut?

concerned citizen 2: Well, those universities don't do much except produce trouble-makers.....

concerned citizen 1: I know just what you mean.

CC2: you know, those people who make us listen to advertising and see stupid commercials. They actually go to school to learn to do that crap!

CC1: Really? I thought that universities just produce atheists and communists.

CC2: They do that too, but mostly they produce business management, advertising, and marketing and that sort of major.

CC1: Oh, but those are the people who got us into this mess in the first place.

CC2: Yeah.

CC1: Damn right!

CC2: Yeah, that's what they should get rid of!

CC1: The sooner, the better!

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