Tuesday, August 13, 2013

dignity in work? that's a joke...............

There are times when my conversations with other human beings are so maddeningly stupid that I feel I would be better off if I never opened my mouth at all.....

My mother is eighty-seven years old and she is still working.  She cares for my eighty-eight year old father.  And, when she waits on him at breakfast, I could burst into tears, or scream.  As she herself says, by now she should have leisure---but she doesn't.

And it's not because there is a law of nature which decrees that we must work all of our lives.

First of all, there are those privileged scum who don't have to work, and who have never had to work.  Indeed, they can pay to have others create propaganda designed to present us from seeing the truth of what I've just said.

But secondly, the health care system in the USA (and the financial system, and the educational system and the political system) is organized around profit and the class who gets the profits.

There's no necessity that my mother should have to work as she does.

However, here in the self-proclaimed center of Europe, it is hard for people to see these facts for what they are.  Much confusion and ignorance about the nature of the USA and capitalism have been propagated since the restoration of capital.  And I was too confused and slow on my feet to say any of this to the person who assured me yesterday that this is all "just the way things are", and so we simply have to accept it.  Now, who benefits from that sort of acceptance, conformity, and passivity?

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