Sunday, August 11, 2013

after a dance workshop

After a week of training

My arms want to move themselves

In the patterns we have established:


My right hand would like to touch my left,

and send him on his journey through space.

My hands are dry now,

not cupping water to my face,

but they speak to me,

and each longs for the embrace of the space,

as we move in circles,



answering the movement of hips and spine.


My shoulders are itchy too,

and I can hardly stop them from joining their sisters and cousins,

brothers and uncles,

aunts and friends,

who all seem to be saying

that they've had a night's sleep,

and won't wait for the music to start.

Sitting won't do,

and walking won't either;

they are all whispering to me,


nudging me,

asking me to stand up,

and begin those concentric motions,

maybe even to hum aloud:

„Dummmm, Dummmm-dumm-dumm....“

Mimicking the teacher's voice,

setting them out on that journey,

which never really stops,

and always comes back.

To a place far away and always near.

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