Saturday, March 30, 2013

what governments can do

As I sit here, during a time when an insane opposition between the bad government and all that is good---mythologically markets and private enterprise (yccch)-----I noticed that on the title page of a certain novel I've begun to read (in Czech) there is a small acknowledgment of finanical support from the Ministry of Culture.

The book is a complex attempt to understand a complex past, hence its title, "Germans; Geography of Loss".

What would an analogous book look like in English?  Of course, since the USA has not been invaded, we can't construct a perfect analogy.  Yet, we can imagine: the story of a Vietnamese or Mexican family living in the USA, and the lost memories of the new generation.....the inescapably fragile nature of a family's history and the rapid degeneration of memories as they are replaced by myths and half-truths.....and the enormous magnitude of the forgotten realities......

How ironic that a Czech can imagine that the problem is a foreign power, an external force, an intrusion from outside--though surely that is a crude distortion, a half-truth, whose inaccuracy is exposed in Katalpa's novel----while in the USA it is economic tyranny at home which ruins lives.--A domestic tyranny, not an external force, dominates everything.  --And it also dominated culture and ordinary life during the mythological post-war years.  Not that people did not live, or have never lived, but it is possible to see from another perspective that perfectly possible human things --not things requiring a divine intellect or enhanced cognition, but things allowable with our fragile frame--were excluded, silently, and without discussion about their exclusion.....

In the USA everything is overwhelmed by a frantic need to justify what, perhaps, can't really be justified.

Jakuba Ktalpa, němci, Host, Brno  2012

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