Saturday, March 30, 2013

my personal failure

I've got a marvellous grammar book.  It's got a million examples.  Everything fits into a finite number of categories---which,errr, each  have a certain finite number of sub-categories.....  And, err, when I try to lead it, I get lost.

I forget what the original category was, and then, (I apologize for my lack of emotional conrol)
I come across truly idiotic examples......

Idiotic in the sense that the actual thought behind the sentence is idiocy.

And the textbook authors are proud of the fact that their examples are living, genuine language.

Alas, if only the sentences they have chosen said something interesting; the thoughts themselves are not interesting thoughts but merely recycled trash!

This is, I confess, my personal problem. (Sorry to impose, dear reader!)  Obviously (possibly) the grammar textbook has been used by many generations of students who have thereby mastered this complex subject.....I, evidently, am no longer a student, but am possessed of deep aesthetic and other prejudices.  Sigh.

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