Wednesday, January 11, 2012

stingy land

the united states of america
are united in stinginess
they give you something
but it is less than you need
they give you something
and you are expected to bow and scrape and say thank you thank you
but you have less than you need
and they control you and inspect you and turn you over on the other side to see
whether you are doing what you are supposed to do
and then they tell you that you are free
and that you should be thankful
but I am not thankful
and I am tired of being inspected as if I were an object of consumption
about to be sold
and I am fed up with the hypocrisy and the lies
and the opium fed to the citizens of a land whose specialty is visiting
death and destruction, lies and corruption upon anyone who has the misfortune
to get in the way

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