Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bloody Murder USA style

As my father's birthday approaches, I think of him.....and the way he was killed...

Oh yes, they murdered him,
and I know that as surely as I know
that the ladies of the dormitories of the University of Pardubice
mingle resentment and anger and pure nastiness and spite
whenever I speak to them,
with their superior nasty airs....

My father was murdered by a for-profit system,
which does not care, 
and it doesn't even give a damn;
yet some insignificant and ignorant man named John Boehner 
dares to label it the best in the world.

They murdered him when they isolated him 
from everyone who loved him,
and tore him away from the surroundings he knew,
putting a senile eighty-nine year old man in a bed without railings
where he was bound to fall,
putting him in an under-staffed house of torture
which they called a "facility".

They killed him with their imposed isolation,
waking alone at night,
in the dark,
in a cold and unfriendly place,
where there was no wife's hand to hold his,
no friendly voice to acknowledge him.

That was cruel torture.
and I do not forgive his murderers.
They have not earned forgiveness:
they continue their cruel business,
sucking the blood and the dollars out of the sick and the weak. 

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