Wednesday, May 1, 2013

why the computer revolution is a lie

In the USA you need a car to get to work.  But, if you haven't got much money, you've got to buy a used car.  And, so, if you've got an older car, it's more likely to break down.

So, it's a vicious circle.  Not enough money to buy a new car.  Not enough money to keep up with repairs.  And, so problems at work.  Which means, once again, problems with getting money.

Likewise, today, with computers.

I need my computer for my job. 

But, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was forced
to purchase a computer at short notice, in a country I don't know,
in a city I don't know, and I didn't want to throw all of my resources into the purchase.

So, I ended up with a very low quality computer, whose most basic features are problematic.

Problematic?  A mouse-pad that takes me to places I don't go.
A "Bluetooth" accessory that doesn't work.

In short, I am screwed.
And now I haven't got the money to buy a better computer.

That's not progress.

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