Monday, May 13, 2013

the ugliness of technology

I trudge down the stairs to the basement to retrieve my wet laundry.
I drag it up two flights of stairs to the elevators.
Once the elevator arrives at the stairs just below (but not exactly at)
my floor, the elevator stops, and a nasty, ugly buzzer sounds.
Why?  Do I need to be told to get out?  Why must I be assaulted by that sound?
Does it help me?  Could some intelligence imagine that I need to hear that sound?
Or else what?  I would not understand that it's time to get out? Can someone be that stupid?

I take the bus.  It is high off the ground.  Sometimes when I leave it,
I feel that I am falling out of it to the hard pavement below.

As I leave the bus, again a nasty,ugly buzzing noise occurs. I can imagine some
clever -wannabe engineer designing that obnoxious sound---to warn deaf
people that the doors are about to close.  After all, he's helping the elderly avoid injury!
Or, is he?  Or is he helping the bus company make cheap, shabby, junky buses?
Why not make doors that close more gently? Rather than doors that slam shut.

Not to mention the obnoxious advertising everywhere---the worst of it in the windows or covering the windows from the outside.---And abuse, an assault, a sign of contempt and disrespect which no one seems to notice.

Someone is about to leave the bus. They press their plastic card against the reader and an
ugly mechanical voice sounds.  Again ugly.  Again obnoxious.

Someone enters the bus.  Again that ugly voice.  And for each person entering or leaving, my ears are tortured by obnoxious sounds.

And the buses are crowded, cheap, creaky......austerity, austerity, austerity..... and stupidity ....half-thought out so-called inventions assault us everywhere.

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