Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Capitalism: Obscene and Annoying Pretensions of Plenitude

As promised, but, regrettably, still in rough draft form....

dissecting the ugliness which is capitalism....

describing the ugliness which is capitalism-in-the-USA...

Draft:  The False Fecundity of Capitalism

Recently I wanted to take a Yoga class.  I was faced with the following choices:  Hatha Yoga, Rocket Power Yoga, and Rehabilitation Yoga.

 Sports and the military are connected.  Both teach men and women to be “tough”, and both make me want to reach for a barf bag.

As I understand Yoga, it’s precisely not to be done with the acceleration of a rocket; if it is, then it’s not yoga. And ‘power” and “yoga’ don’t mix because power is too aggressive, whereas there is nothing of aggression in yoga.

How is it that a licensed physical therapist could tell me, with a straight face, that “power yoga” is “more aggressive”?  That’s indicative of the true level of culture in this country; advertising and or marketing categories have replaced reality in the minds of the citizens.  (I understand that you can have, e.g., "aggressive" cancer therapy; but again I can't see aggression (even a relative increase thereof) in any way connected to yoga....)

Sorry, but, I must repeat myself: aggression is no part of yoga.  But aggression and militarism are unspeakable omnipresent aspects of daily life in the USA.....As in, we don't speak about the murders committed by Obama with remote controlled air-gunships, the killing of women and children at funerals and wedding parties, the presumption that any man of a certain age must be a potential or actual enemy--itself a war crime, a criminal policy........

Behind all of this is a disgusting capitalist disease:  the proliferation of phony categories, an attempt to puff things up and create the illusion of abundance and choice were there is none.

Yoga?  It would be enough if we had three categories:  beginning, intermediate, and advanced.  Further complications are unnecessary.

So, too with “Kumquat”, the designer of technology products.  If Kumquat did not exist, some other designer would take there place---and the world would not be a worse place.
“ Oh I love my Kumquat phone!”---Excuse me while I look for my barf bag.....

Americans (citizens of the USA) are unaware.  Like fish who swim in an ocean of pollution, they can't see what's in front of them........It is very disheartening.

NO, That's not quite it either.  There's an additional factor.  There is a way  that USA people talk about "work outs" that turns my stomach.  I can't explain.  They get into this "good mood" voice, and they seem very phony.
And the actual content of their words strikes me as very mechanistic, and, ultimately unclear.

As if deep breathing could be converted into a competitive sport........

There's something wrong about the whole approach, something I can't put my finger on.  But it turns me off, and makes me want to board the next jet heading out of here......

Maybe this is it:  neither physical health nor mental health are commodities.

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