Wednesday, January 26, 2011

amateur sociology and more

I just followed the link from Leiter Reports to Robert Paul Wolff's blog, and Shit! I don't know nothing about political philosophy...

Nevertheless, I shall continue to say what I have been thinking and feeling insofar as I am able...


That's what I thought yesterday when I overheard a conversation between a few residents of EPTX. Who are the real citizens? Who deserves the full rights of citizenship? Not those who don't work!

The opening move was a complaint about how schools don't have money because the children of illegals are attending. (About that I say nothing, as I don't know....)

But as the conversation continued, it was clear that certain salient facts were ignored: such as, who really decides who's legal and who's not?

(I admit to liking the slogan: No human being is illegal.)

Other omitted questions:
Whose interests are served by what we euphemistically refer to as "immigration policy"?

Why is it exactly that Mexico is so poor? What role is played by US agribusiness selling their government supported products?

Who really profits from the overall system?

I imagine a group of people in a small town, located in a valley far below a distant castle, arguing amongst themselves about who will eat the humble bread, while above, on the distant mountain top the king and queen and their servants are feasting on every delicacy known to man. They enjoy the best and we fight over the crumbs from their table. But, due to the distance and an obscuring fog of propaganda, the castle is actually invisible.

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