Thursday, December 2, 2010


Let's see... you tell the truth and you help people find out the truth about a very powerful and ruthless government....someone makes a phony charge against you.
not just someone
the most powerful and ruthless government in the world... (see "afterthought" below)

instead of giving the Nobel Peace Prize to people who spread the truth about wars and government and possibly thereby encourage peace

who do they give it to?

a war criminal... somone who continues wars, expands wars, uses unmanned drones to murder women and children, covers up torture, continues torture, and most definitely did not keep the promise to close Guantanamo.

Am I making this up?


that's the world we live in

not pretty

what kind of world is this?

an afterthought: might the attempt to smear the name of w.leaks' founder have been done independently?--ie. without prompting from the world's number one possessor of weapons of mass destruction? It is possible, but it would be a sort of coincidence that turns out to be what the country with most destructive power would have liked....could be a coincidence, .....but then we don't know... in any case the smear campaign has turned out to be ridiculous.... but the question one has to ask is whether we might not someday learn that the USA provided incentives to the Swedish government. Today we don't know that (when I wrote the above I didn't know it)... but it seems well within the realm of possibility that we shall someday find that out...

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