Thursday, December 30, 2010


file this under "the crimes of capitalism"

I note in passing the ugliness, the sheer unpleasantness of my needed trip to Walgreens

buying the medicines my parents need

first of all: driving--a most unpleasant activity which consists in dodging enormous trucks

and is most especially painful if it is night time

ignoring the bright lights coming towards me

navigating at forty miles per hour between narrow lanes

parking, another unpleasant and frightening activity

the cold wind

beggars--official and unofficial

then within the confines of the ugly store:

bright fluorescent lighting

in-store propaganda: noise or music


aggressive advertising, even a sign hanging down nearly hitting my head
telling me to buy protection from the H1 N1 virus---overbearing, invading my space....

par for the course
in the capitalist hell which calls itself The United States....

this too is misery

message to working and middle class Americans:
your trucks enslave you
your telephones and electronic goods enslave you:
In sum as the minimum necessary possessions needed to qualify as a decent individual increases,
your life does not become better....
because all of that electronic fiddle faddle is not making you educated or informed.... nor will it ever make you contented so long as there is no democracy in the workplace, and your life is filled with insecurity--whether from fear that you might lose your job, or fear that you might not have the latest whatever.... it's a vicious circle...

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