Saturday, December 25, 2010

facebook run by non-adult puritans

I've just tried to access a program or device or whatever you call it that a friend had been playing with, and it had frankly sexual content...
no nothing abusive, just fun...
(It was titled, "What are you in the mood for?"--i.e. what sort of sexual activity...)
And it was originating in the Slovak Republic.. AND CENSORED BY THE PURITAN CHILDREN AT FACEBOOK in the USA.......

I've thought many times that the USA is most backwards and even childish when it comes to sexuality, but what I am talking about now is censorship.

Moreover, when I was denied access, I received a most condescending message attempting to excuse this authoritarian, cowardly, and puritan action....
The people who run facebook are ignorant and uncivilized.....

Do you say: It's their personal property? So they have a "right" to deny access....You say: I should be grateful that they let me use it "for free"
Sorry, no,
It's not free. I pay for the time I use Facebook when i am forced to waste time avoiding idiotic advertising.
And, in the second place, I consider the internet a public utility, which should be in public hands.
Plainly, that's not the existing status quo, but that's because our existing societies are screwed up. Just as screwed up as USA attitudes towards sex, and the craven behavior of the facebook tyrants....

further remark: I should add that the pseudo-explanation offered when I tried to click on the link was something like this: we've thought about this a long time and decided..
To which the obvious retort is : who the hell are YOU that you can decide what I can say or think in a public space????
Moreover, the link was cancelled only with that explanation which is simply NOT a reason, but merely the equivalent of saying: TRUST US, WE KNOW WHAT' S GOOD FOR YOU....
since no supporting reasons were given, it's no better than saying "We know and you don't and we are not going to explain further...."

And, by the way, the link i was denied access to wasn't even in English.
So, the puritan North Americans really had nothing to fear.
Plainly, Slovaks have a more grown up attitude here. They weren't offended
by the frank talk about sexual activities. But it was intolerable to the primitives in
the land of the "free" (that word in that phrase is yet another joke!)....
How repulsive are the tyrants at facebook! How childish! How totalitarian!

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