Monday, November 15, 2010


Professor LLL:
"Cities? Ha ha ha. There are no cities in the United States. You have so-called
urban centers and they are not nice..."

"New York?"

"Ah, but that's a special case; anyway rents in the actual city are unaffordable.."

"No, it's not a livable country... not at all..."

Opinions expressed by LLL are his own and may not be widely shared. \\

L3 has kindly agreed to answer the editor's query:

Editor: Well, Look L3, aren't you just being obscure, elitist, and dogmatic? What do you mean by 'urban center'?

L3: "Well, look! You've got these collection of homes where the guiding principle is making things accessible to cars--cars, not people. The proof of this is the cultural artifact, a truly ugly invention known as the "parking lot". Someone has thought about providing access to the car, but not to the person. As soon as you leave your car, you are on your own, bravely dodging other vehicles and trying not to get struck by one. You see all the planning focuses upon the car, not the actual human being.... and that's just one example..."

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