Friday, December 23, 2011

collective amnesia

Not so very long ago, before the occupation of Iraq, there were a series of embargoes.
And, during the first Iraq war (led by Papa Bush I seem to recall) water treatment plants were bombed,
among other war crimes.....And the UN estimated that as a result of the embargoes during the Clinton administration, 500,000 children had died.

(Actually, someone in the government of the USA had done an estimate of how many elderly people would die during the embargo, due to a shortage of things like bleach, things needed to keep the water supply clean.....So, you see, they knew exactly what they were doing......)

When asked about the claim that about 500,000 children had died, Madeline Albright said it was a price worth paying. --Of course, she did not pay it, did she?

And what did it accomplish? The stategy, often used by the USA, of trying to change a government by causing suffering to the population, is not right. It treats people as mere tools of ones wishes. You could say it uses violence (the death of innocents) to achieve political ends.

You could even say that by justifying and supporting this immoral policy, Albright had given aid and comfort to people who used violence to achieve political ends.

I heard recently that there is a new law in the USA which metes out harsh punishment for people who do that. (I am sure it will never be applied to Ms. Albright.)

Nonetheless, I say this because I saw her picture in the paper today. Apparently she was attending the funeral of a Central European playwright, former dissident, and head of state.

Someone recently pointed to the contrast between the absolute lack of punishment for the thieves of Wall Street --as compared to the police brutality directed at the ordinary young and old people who were publicly protesting those crimes. So, too Albright and people like her strut about in public as though they were members of a superior breed of person, and people seem to forget their crimes, the many innocent lives destroyed by them.

Something is rotten in Denmark.

And, yes the emperor really does have no clothes........not a stitch of decency, justice, or respect for humanity.....

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