Wednesday, October 26, 2011

misery in the USA

The disaster which is the USA' s Don't-Care Medical system is ugly in countless ways.
Young doctors sit enshrined behind countless support staff, seeing the elderly and crippled who struggle to travel to the doctors----instead of the more logical idea that young healthy doctors should travel to their old and frail patients.. And then in El Paso, Texas. U.S.A., at any rate
(where unfortunately I am now trapped),.....nine out of ten doctors' offices are located in
buildings without proper handicapped access...

And then there are the all-knowing supervising visiting nurses, full of impractical suggestions, and totally unattentive to the fact that three people living in a crowded house constitute a complex living arrangement which one interferes with only at the risk of destroying a functional system of operation....something one shouldn't tinker with unless one studies it carefully first....

But, no, our visiting nurse-supervisor is full of impractical recommendations and suggestions made without any advance thought about the particulars of our situation.... in other words, suggestions made in ignorance of the actual situation.

Would that she had studied anthropology and learned something about the complex patterns of cooperation which can emerge among small cooperative groups, patterns not readily visible, and patterns which shouldn't be disturbed casually.......

No, I have nothing, absolutely nothing good to say about this nurse-supervisor. She seems to pull isolated facts from the lectures she attended as a student or from something she has read, and then use them to assert her (wholly imaginary superiority---but, then, she is better paid than those who deliver essential services, those who she has the job of checking up on----do you sense disgust in my voice? Indeed this sort of hierarchy and the poor pay of those doing the real work, yes that makes me sick....).....

No, I have nothing, absolutely nothing good to say about this Don-t-Care System .....

Among decent people, you don't keep someone waiting for two hours...and, if you do, you apologize. Not so with doctors.....

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