Friday, October 21, 2011

American Assholes: the FCC

1. An email I sent to the FCC:

The Nelsen Company or Agency or whatevery they call themselves has now called me twice.

I did not invite them to call. I did not request or suggest or do anything to encourage them.

The first time I explained that we do not do surveys in this household.

However, they continued to call a second time. That constitutes harassment.

Moreover, our phone number is on a NO CALL LIST.

Because I informed them that we do not do surveys, they should not have called a second time.

Because our phone number is on a No Call List, they should not have called the first time.

Note also that they are calling at times when working people are eating or enjoying the company of
family. Interrupting those precious hours is disrespectful----once again, harassment.

Sincerely yours,
Mark J. Lovas

2. The Reply I received from the FCC:

Dear Mr. Lovas,
> The following organizations or individuals are exempt from the TCPA Do-Not-Call rules.
> tax-exempt, non-profit organizations;
> politicians;
> pollsters and survey takers, not making sales calls;
> religious organizations;
> companies with which you have an "established business relationship;" and
> companies to whom you have given prior written permission to call you.

3. My response to the reply:

In other words the so-called "No Call" Rule is nonsense. In other words it does not protect
the individual's peace.

In any case, that doesn't matter. As I explained in my message, Nielsen now knows that we do
not wish to speak with them. Ergo, they are not off the hook.

Your recent message listing the numerous exceptions to the "No Call" list merely confirms my
conviction that all of the institutions of the USA are designed to serve the needs of the
richest of the citizens of the USA, a.k.a. the top 1% in terms of wealth.

It is of some interest to me that I should receive an unsigned communication from an employee of the U.S. government. It is somewhat similar to the appearance of police officers in plain clothes without identifying badges.

Have a nice day!


In other words, I had a legitimate complaint, but someone at the FCC responded in a condescending manner, ignoring the substance of my complaint, and trying to catch me out on a mere technicality. That's what assholes do. And I don't for one minute imagine that this individual asshole had improvised this behavior. So, perhaps this individual isn't an asshole, but someone is....On the other hand, if your job requires you to be an asshole, then maybe you become one.....

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