Thursday, September 5, 2013

capitalism is inhuman and disgusting

I've just returned from the post office, where I was sending a letter to my parents.
I used a larger than usual envelope because I was sending a photo, and didn't want to bend it.

So, I had to fill in a customs declaration.

What utter stupidity.

What utter redundancy when we know that today the US Postal Service carefully controls every piece of mail, and, in fact, copies the envelopes, in order to compile a file on every citizen----who she communicates with, and who communicates with her.....And, a citizen like myself who lives and works abroad--- I am an economic migrant because I couldn't find a full time job with benefits in the USA----is even more suspicious.

What price can I put on my own letter, a poem, and a foto?

For my parents, those things are priceless.  My mother's own words:  Your father treasures your letters.

What price to put on a father or mother's love?

What a stupid question.  Their love is priceless, and for that reason my letter is also priceless.

Yet, the stupidity of capitalism and markets insists on squeezing everything into a coffin.

The lady at the post office was surprised by what I told her.  Alas.  People in Eastern Europe tend to be very naive about what the USA really is.  It is unfortunate.  Good people in many respects, yet, in this one area, very naive. 

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