Sunday, October 3, 2010

like communism--but not 100%

Important: See Post-Script Below (CORRECTION: It's not true to say this was 100 percent like communism!)

I have been thinking about my unpleasant experience last week at the "Texas Department of Public Safety"... yes, public safety, and a subtle form of uninformed intimidation behind closed doors....
thinking about how two uniformed policemen took me to a room where they shut the door door behind us.........thinking about their arrogance, their dogmatic certainty, the superior stance they took toward me, their wholly unjustified and unshakable confidence..... and their shock when I pointed out that they were mistaken..... which they were unable to believe..... and it reminds me of experiences I had while living in Slovakia, a former communist country, where there are policemen who came of age during communism......

For their dogmatic confidence rested on precisely three things:
1. an inability to read carefully,
2. an incapacity to think clearly,
3. the confident assurance that they were doing what they had been told to do by someone "superior".... the smug assurance that they were following orders....
---a toxic mix of ingredients which is fatal to any form of democracy or freedom.....

I've just spoken with the supervisor at the Department of Public Saftey.
He was very agreeable. He indicated that I was correct and there was a problem he
needed to correct.
That is gratifying.
Of course, in the meantime, I have had a little aggravation.

So (retraction) what I said is not completely correct. It is not 100% like communism because with communism you can't appeal to a supervisor.....

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