comments to follow
how to brainwash youngsters into performing poorly paid, low skill, jobs...
in the name of "helping" them....
aka: exploitation....
more commentary to follow
(The more I see, the less I like what I see....)
Just a quick thought--a proper commentary is coming--
In light of the fact that government money (do they still call it "welfare" as in the poster, or is it "workfare"?) is not enough to live on. I repeat: the money the government provides to poor people who manage to prove that they are (sic) deserving is not adequate. That means that people receiving wholly inadequate and insulting government help require additional sources of income--to avoid death from starvation. That means that they are frequently forced to perform activities which are officially illegal in order to survive. Given that background, this poster and the policies it represents are sickeningly exploitative. Nothing to smile about.... Mom receives a stingy hand-out, so the government is going to "help" her children by giving them low-wage, low-skill jobs (not serious job training, mind you)......a way to legalize and normalize child labor...
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