Friday, November 13, 2015

What kind of place is this? Pure Idiocy in the Czech Republic

"Well you've been washing your clothes a lot."
Jeezus fucking Christ!
That is none of your goddamned business.
What's more:  What kind of cheapskate university is this where they want to make a profit from teachers washing their clothes?

I wash my clothes once a week! That's a lot?  What kind of a country is this?

A lot compared to students who take their clothes home once a week and wash them at home.... I suppose that's what a lot means.

How dare you even notice how often I wash my clothes!  It's none of your business!

That's fascism.  That's impertinent. Who are you to tell what's washing my clothes a lot--or a little?
I am wasting my money because I wash my clothes too much?!
If I think my rent is high, it's because I wash my clothes too frequently?

Really.  I can't find words to describe it.
I guess I'll indulge another local custom--and go piss in the street.
which is common in the whole of the Czech Republic and not only one Neo-Liberal entity.

But I'll tell you one thing:  when you piss in the street, you don't wash your hands
And that's basic sanitation.
The sort of thing that makes the difference between civilization and something else.
So, pissing in the street is uncivilized.  

But pissing in the street by males and young children is common.
And it's not sanitary.
Western Culture?   Make me laugh!

You're paying more for rent because you wash your clothes too much.--Yeah, that's exactly the sort of thing I expect to hear at the University of xxxxxx......It's not an isolated incident.  And it wasn't completely unexpected.   It's characteristic of the local mind-set...... the local mindlessness supporting impossibly idiotic utterances.  You see, it's like this:  when someone complains, it's always THEIR fault!   And the complaint has to be stomped out, dismissed, and if at all possible the complainer must be made to feel as though he or she is lacking in a basic component of intelligence.  Whatever we do around here, and what we think is normal is unmentionable, untouchable,  a sort of religious icon.  And anyone who says or thinks otherwise is not deserving of consideration, and will not be taken seriously.  And must be stomped on immediately.

I actually resisted the move toward billing me electronically for washing my clothes, and held out for cash payment.  But they insisted I pay electronically.  And gave me no choice.  I anticipated the fascism in it, and I was right.  Of course, it needs  a certain mind-set to employ the technology that way, and they have it, and they did not disappoint me......

What's good for the mindless accountants that keep the books ain't good for you or me.  The idea that it's good for everybody is just another of the lies that is propagated mindlessly .....  But the mindless ones I am dealing with here don't raise to the level of even attempting that sort of justification.  It is mindless unquestioning obedience they want.....

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