Tuesday, June 18, 2013

scandal in the Czech Republic

They say the government is going to be replaced......by another government with the same policies.

Well, no that's not exactly what they say.  I haven't noticed anyone saying the second half of that sentence.

Here's what I heard Nečas say on Czech TV in the past month or so:  We can't have green technology because we would lose 'competitiveness'..

when he further explained, that meant the USA wasn't going for green technology, so the CR didn't need to......

There is a substantive point here:  the calculations of profit and loss (which I assume PN has in mind) simply ignore the actual costs, the actual consequences of these activities, the social costs --sometimes referred to as "externalities".  But "externalities" are very real. 

Hmmmmmm. Floods, and now extreme heat.  What is going on in Europe?  Might it be (dare I say it)  anthropogenic global warming?

Hmmmmm, an economy largely based upon climate-destroying vehicles?  Ahh, but that is "competitive".


Another favorite saying of the victim of scandal:  In Afghanistan they recognize the high quality of Czech technology.  (This is not an exact quote).  So, they will purchase Czech weapons....

(Did I get that right?  weapons?)

So, PN thinks it wise to base an economy on tools of murder and machines that contribute to global warming......

But the leading candidate (last I heard) for his replacement is another man who uses  the word "competitiveness" like a weapon to beat down any reasonable thoughts.

Change?  Ha Ha Ha!  What?  Are you imitating Obama?

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