Sunday, March 22, 2009

crapping in your own nest and other fallacies

Since I've been in Europe, I've heard many outlandish things.... opinions about the USA based on little
by way of fact and much by way of imagination....

And, to be sure, my ideas about Europe--prior to living here--almost surely were equally a blend of
mangled fact and puffed up fantasy....

But, today i want to focus on one especial bit of nonsense I've heard numerous times...

complaints along the lines of: you can't criticize your own country AND the place where you live..
because, presumably, that means you have something wrong with you...

OR: if you criticize your home country you are crapping in your own nest

OR; you shouldn't criticize your home country because a country is like a family.

Well, no, actually, the USA is not one big happy family. No one should think that. We are a country with
lots of racism and class divisions

The government of the USA exists for the sake of the ruling class. It may throw a few crumbs to the
rest of us occasionally, but by and large, the purpose of government in the USA is to increase profits
for the rich.

So, no, criticizing the US government is not like criticizing my family.

In fact, it is an intensely naive fantasy to imagine that the very category USA, that nation,
is much more than a myth or fantasy invented to serve the interests of a particular group of people,...

again not a majority.....

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