Thursday, March 31, 2011
Facebook a minor innovation...
spring oh lovely spring..
The Consumer Trap

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
the USA as anti-paradise
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
the slaughter of innocents...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
a little doggerel
Saturday, March 26, 2011
As my father pointed out, the building is unsafe. There's no rear exit, and it's a huge building. What would happen in a fire?
I believe that my father also remarked that this was probably illegal....
(Perhaps, might it be that someone was paid a bribe to ignore it? Maybe, I do not know.....)
I don't like Wal Mart. The air is bad. The lighting is bad. And we know that Wal Mart is ruthless in the way it treats people (no unions) and ruthless in the way business partners are treated.
In some cases Wal Mart does not even pay taxes. I have read that in some places in the USA, the taxes that customers pay (the local sales tax) when they make a purchase at Wal Mart does not even go to the local government...
And I don't like buying clothes made in El Salvador or Nicaragua ... I am sure that the people who grew the cotton and made the shirts were not well treated.
But, in the place where I currently live, there are not many places to go shopping. -Unless you are willing to drive 20 or 25 miles... which, again, is ecological madness....
As the fotos on this blog show, greedy companies deserted this neighborhood because higher profits were to be made elsewhere. That's the way American capitalism works. It's not enough to make a profit--you must make more and more profit...
Plainly, this gives the lie to the commonsense idea that businesses have a kind of social function--supplying people what they need. Businesses in America are part of a system designed to support a wealth gap, to increase the gap between rich and poor, and they, in effect, are a means of sending more and more tribute to a ruling class...very feudal that....
Actually, in Wal Mart, I needed to buy contacts (contacct lenses), and that's when the FASCISM I refer to above occurred. As a captive audience, I was compelled to endure pointless questions before I could purchase what I really wanted.
And since the questions were set up on a computer----well that's sort of totalitarian, isn't it?
--dictated from on high...
I mean, I had to endure five or six computer screens asking me stupid questions like,
would you like twenty boxes of contacts
or five boxes
or a hundred boxes
Shit if I buy a thousand boxes, I'd get a good discount! And I would probably be dead
before I could use them all....
No, I don't like Wal Mart. I don't like El Paso. and I don't think the USA is especially a good place to live.... and every sign is that it's getting worse... \
Then there's the fascism/totalitarianism/greedy attempt to control at Walgreens: as the nice sales lady said, "Our computer is telling us you filled this prescription at another pharmacy...."
What the fuck? When did I sign a contract with Walgreen's promising to give all my money to them? What are we? Slaves to Walgreens. You have to have a life time promise to always buy only from them?????? How disgusting, offensive...****!!!!==censored....none of your business. How dare they?
---another case where computers and technology make us all (me, when I shop, and the person helping me) less free....
service with a smile? ha ha ha "service' is another word whereby we are enslaved.....
I want equal relationships of solidarity with other citizens, not with some bowing and scraping person behind a counter who smiles falsely.....A culture of service? Make me puke. I really prefer the surly Slovak attitude towards customers---at least that's honest!
Recommended Reading
Erik Olin Wright and Joel Rogers, American Society: How It Really Works, WW Norton, New York and London, 2011; Part 1: Capitalism.
Recommended Viewing
Special Program: The 100th Anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire,
Friday, 25 March, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
the u.s.a....
in which they can take a person apart,
piece by piece,
and when they put you back together,
they "forget" to use all of the pieces....
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Oh Spring!
How Pleasant it is go go for a walk in the Spring in El Paso!
--Pleasant???In El Paso?????----NOT!
There is a smell in the air as I walk across the parking lot,
--that unforgiving hard and flat territory where cars regard me as a nuisance.
The smell is not the fresh smell of spring;
it is the stale smell of heart-attack giving grease,
undoubtedly due to the omnipresent grease merchants,
whose premises get mis-named 'restaurants' .
Fast Food? One out of Two; it's fast, but not really food fit for human consumption.
And if you listen carefully,
you will hear the sound --not particularly pleasant--that the cars make.
And your eyes will be stunned by the bright lights as they speed by,
in a night otherwise dark, and empty.
And maybe, maybe, if you try hard,
you can breathe in a little stifling dust,
unmixed with the exhaust fumes or cooking oil.
Oh, Murderous Beasts of the Night!
You pass yourselves off as trucks.
But I know better:
You have evil intentions.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
footnote to yesterday's post
Saturday, March 19, 2011
saner voices?/The Grouch Reads
a premature epitaph
Friday, March 18, 2011
the in-house propaganda and crap music
in stores like Walgreens and Albertsons
not to mention the crap television you find in some doctors' waiting rooms
crap television:
political propaganda (courtesy of Faux News or another ....)
disgustingly exploitative and manipulative cop shows
or disgustingly exploitative pseudo-psychological crap pretending to give
us a picture of a serial killer's mind--but not making a serious attempt to do so,
and, in the end being pornographic, and manipulative, but not helpful, not
insightful, bothering but not improving.....
all that
all that crap
passes without notice
and is not worthy of mention
but something just a little bit sexy
not even a lot
has to get a warning label
this is a sick country,
I don't care if you've heard it before
I don't care if I've said nothing new.
I shall keep saying it so long as it is true.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
spring, oh lovely spring
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
hating el paso texas -- a rant
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
two plus two = 4
Here's a quote:
General Electric (GE) deserves special mention. The New York Times reported that its total tax payment amounted to 14.3% over the last five years.4 Citizens for Tax Justice promptly corrected it: the profits tax it paid in the US, (as opposed to its worldwide taxes on its worldwide profits), is only 3.4%.5 Thus, GE paid a far lower tax rate on its income than most Americans paid on theirs. In 2009, GE received a huge $140 billion bailout guarantee of its debt from Washington.6 By choosing GE's chief executive, Jeffrey R. Immelt, to head his Economic Advisory Panel, President Obama effectively rewarded the corporate program: give us more and tax us less.
The above (in black) was cut and pasted from:
Sunday, March 13, 2011
free speech in the over militarized north
there's this State Department spokesperson
who says something
half way true?
No, at best ten percent true.
torture of Bradley Manning stupid?
Sorry, that is really, really not strong enough---hence, 10percent true....
But that's too much truth for the USA.
So the guy gets fired. (Oh yeah, he resigned "voluntarily"....yeah, right,
and the USA purchased California and Texas from Mexico-----after invading
the country, killing the men, raping the women, and burning down buildings....)
free speech
speak the truth? you could lose your job....
silly and misguided
noise, noise, noise
because they live in their cars
and what about the noisy truck selling ice cream
playing idiotic music
over-played popular tunes?
up and down the street
ad nauseam
get me out of here
Friday, March 11, 2011
happy days are here again
"The Institute for Fiscal Studies in Britain put out a report saying that by 2017, the average British family will be $4,500 poorer by way of wage cuts and cuts to the social services on which they've historically arrived.
At the same time that report came out, the Sunday Times did their list of richest people in Britain, which said: "The rich have come through the recession with flying colors. The rest of the country is going to have to face spending cuts. But it has little effect on the rich, because they don't use public services." The class dynamics could not be clearer.
I'm not going to tell you the details about the cuts that are happening in places like California, Ohio, Minnesota and Arizona, because you know these stories much better than me."
The above was cut and pasted from David McNally's "The human recession" at
conversation overheard
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Modus Ponens/Tollens and Naomi Klein
Hitler and the "art" of persuasion....
the USA is a backwards country
Not my taste, but I was in a waiting room dominated by a "large screen" tv.
The creators' of the drama attempted to recreate the killer's obsession with the drowing of a woman. I did not watch carefully, but I did find myself watching a scene in which the killer watches a woman drown, a scene in which the killer enjoyed seeing the woman "give up".
I've carried that scene in my memory, and I am angry at the manipulation involved, angry at the makers of the drama, and angry at the doctor and his office manager for imposing this unpleasant spectacle on me.
Yet, when I purchase a movie with even a brief glimpse of a woman's breasts or bottom,
the DVD comes with a warning label.
I dare say: no one has yet been ruined by a brief glance at a woman's breasts or bottom, or
indeed, vagina.
That's not what ruins people. Poverty and inequality do. Lack of access to education does.
And, what's more: the drama about the killer had absolutely no insights to offer. It was stale, hackneyed, cliched. The attempt to view the killer's mind did not take place in a context where it could bring any further insights. It occurred in the context of a familiar style of narrative with little or no novelty or creativity.,
Yet, that sick little drama was funded. There is ample money available for that sort of crap.
And there was money for the doctor to purchase the large screen TV...
all in a time where, we are told, the "economy" is not doing well....
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
the case of the Hitlerin office manager
facebook fascism and international woman's day
My father, by contrast, has retired--and my mother continues to take care of him.
I have been helping my mother, so I too have been working in the home, and it doesn't count for the official statistics. I am not part of the "market".
But I do work.
I do contribute.
However facebook will not allow me to specify my position as "unpaid labor in the home".
Indeed, facebook bans other categories..... Hence my term 'fascism'--not used the way that political scientists my like, but, nonetheless, it has a point...
So, on this day when women should be celebrated, let us recognize the incoherence of the dominant economic theory in this region (as in so many others)....
The economist Nancy Folbre has more articulate things to say about this issue of women's labor in the home....(more articulate than what I've said)...but even she just mentions in passing the case of care for the elderly....
Monday, March 7, 2011
Wim Wenders, "Untergang"
El Paso's Bad Weather
Many (perhaps most?) people I meet suffer from an allergy or a cold...
Yeah, what a lovely place.... if you are a cactus or a snake....
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Vienna's Opera Ball?....
A young woman slept with Berlusconi. He paid her.
She was at that time "under age". In Italy, if you're eighteen, it's legal to sleep with someone for money,...
(Well, is that the right way to put it? What is legal/permitted here? Paying someone ? or receiving money? .....)
Now that woman went to the Vienna opera ball, and she, err, Google translate says "eclipsed"....
the ball... (I am looking at a Czech headline, and I don't say I know Czech well.)
She cast a shadow?
Well, let's be clear. If anyone's done wrong here, it was Berlusconi.
As for the woman in question, better that we ask why she sought that way of earning money.
As for such holy events as Opera Balls, what are they really? An excuse for the privileged to
flaunt their wealth? That is their essence---excess and privilege..
So, when I think of it that way.... well it just shows what Berlusconi is all about.... Such balls are throw-backs, anachronisms belonging to the glories of empires and the thievery which is aristocracy..... It amazes me that Europeans have not outgrown them....I don't think the lady was out of place....
on a slightly more reflective level, I'm inclined to say that sex per se is neither good nor bad,
but it depends upon all of the details.....and all of this gossip is, well, just that, talk on the surface of things....
Thursday, March 3, 2011
footnote to Libya
bad reporting in Wisconsin?
what kind of country is this?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
USA's very much LESS THAN BEST Health (don't) Care system
Signs of Spring?
hating El Paso Texas
At the risk of boring you and repeating myself,
It may yet be a good time for me to review a few of the more unpleasant truths
about my life in this benighted outpost on the edge of a mighty empire....
The weather is not healthy.
The living conditions are not healthy.
Sun alone does not make health.
Needed too are such ingredients as social solidarity and fresh fruits and vegetables.
But for daily unpleasantness, it is hard to beat the misery of dry skin,
cuts on your fingertips springing up overnight at the edges,
oh so painful,
And then there is the allergy which I seem to have acquired,
and have endured for three or six months,
getting worse every day,
making my head spin,
filling my throat and nasal passages with a stubborn white fluid...
an allergy to what?
Perhaps the idiotic forced air heating system,
perhaps the omnipresent air conditioning systems favored by all of the local merchants
and medical authorities...
(called by some beloved fictional characters "quacks"---hence, that fictional calling
can't be taken seriously by you)
all in all,
an ugliness only equalled by the more magnificent ugliness of the
local version of USA-style wealth inequality,
manifested by a certain tone of voice used in identifying the
region of the city from whence one comes...
manifesting itself in such recent appearances as the explanation
by a member of the local water mafia, who explained that they
could not shut off the water in regions dense with hospitals and
medical facilities, who failed to note that precisely those regions
happened as well to be "high rent" districts.
The places where the richer people lived were better
served by a so-called public service... i.e., a so-called public service which,
miracle of miracles, served the broad public in a discriminating fashion,
favoring the more monied among the public.
No, gentle reader, it was not Karl Marx who said that we are all created equal,
it was one of those holy men deemed a "founding father"......
But, you see how wrong he was....